Spice Project
(Synchronized PBN Implementation – Cohesion Europe)
Spice Project is part of the implementation stage of SESAR Program (European open sky) that aims to increase the efficiency of air traffic and air navigation services management by reducing the European air space fragmentation. The project’s objective is the modernization of the European system of air traffic management – ATM.
Oradea International Airport is affiliated to Romanian Airports Association (AAR), entity that represents the airports, having the quality of beneficiary within the Spice Project, also being granted by European Commission by CEF Program.
Spice Project points the implementation of a modern air navigation system, based on PBN performance that uses the advanced capacities of aircrafts navigation (RNAV), to allow the efficient projection of air space and the planning of air traffic routes to optimize the available air space.
With SPICE project is ensured a national level financing of 1.797.070 euro to the beneficiary, representing the 85% co-financing granted by the European Union through Connecting Europe Facility Program which will be implemented between 17.02.2016 - 31.12 2020.
In this project, coordinated by Eurocontrol (European Organization for Air Navigation Safety), there are involved:
- 5 airlines: Aegean, Blue Air, Regional Air Service, SATA, Tap Portugal
- 5 air traffic administrators: DCAC, HCAA, LPS SR, NAV Portugal, Romatsa
- Romanian Airports Association (AAR)
- Romanian Civil Aeronautical Authority (AACR)
At Romanian level, the project consists in ongoing series of activities to project, approve and operate RNAV SID/STAR systems and RNP APCH LNAV, LNAV/ VNAV, LP and minimum LPV procedures, using GNSS (EGNOS) signal. The project objectives imply data collecting (through the obstacle studies of the airports that participate in this project), projection, encoding, and equipments approval for PBN implementation. The application of the project activities will allow the control of the operations inside the Romanian air space with the help of PBN, allowing thus safer and more efficient flight paths, and also the reduction of going round and redirect rate.
Oradea International Airport, AAR affiliated, is involved in this project by making “Obstacle studies”, including its annual maintenance. This activity belongs to Romanian Airports Association (AAR), as the project beneficiary, and is made by each affiliated airport.
Depending on the financial resources that will be allocated and approved by the airport’s estimated budget for the acquisition of the specialty services that will be made by an AACR authorized aeronautical agent, Oradea International Airport will made the obstacle studies and its maintenance, activities that will be made during SPICE Project, as follows:
Activity | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | |
Obstacle (O) | Time (trimester) | - | 2-nd Trimester | - | - |
Estimated budget (lei) | - | 138.000 | - | - | |
Maintenance (M) | Perioada (trimestru) | - | - | 2-nd Trimester | 2-nd Trimester |
Estimated budget (lei) | - | - | 70.000 | 70.000 | |