State Aid Scheme
State Aid Scheme for supporting the activity of air operators

ANNOUNCEMENT for the opening of the call for applications for financial aid under the State Aid Scheme for support of the air operators activity in the context of the economic crisis generated by the COVID-19 outbreak.
The Oradea Municipality, as a provider of the State Aid Scheme for supporting the activity of air operators in the context of the economic crisis generated by the COVID-19 outbreak and R.A. Oradea Airport, as its administrator, hereby announce the opening of the call for applications for financial aid totalling 1 million euros.
The objective of the measure is to support the activity of air operators resuming or starting flight operations at Oradea airport in the context of the economic crisis generated by the COVID-19 outbreak, providing them with support in a non-discriminatory manner. Granting state aid to airlines that will resume or start operating regular domestic and international flights to and from Oradea Airport will help reduce the negative effects felt by the community. The recovery of air traffic is essential for the complete economic recovery and structural viability of the region and the entire economy of Romania.
Date of commencement of acceptance of applications – 17th of August 2020
Closing date for acceptance of applications – 17th September 2020, 2PM.
The address to which the applications will be sent together with all the supporting documents is: Această adresă de email este protejată contra spambots. Trebuie să activați JavaScript pentru a o vedea..
In order for the request to be recorded, it is mandatory to confirm its receipt.
Any questions regarding the applications call should be sent to the following email address: Această adresă de email este protejată contra spambots. Trebuie să activați JavaScript pentru a o vedea.
Decision of the European Commission for granting state aid to Oradea AirportResults:
Results of the selection for state aid to airlines